Top 7 Misconceptions of SIEM

2 min readJan 29, 2021

In no particular order…

1. It cures all ailments
No SIEM completely fixes all security
weaknesses, it’s not even designed to, but it
will give you visibility of your environment
enabling you to know where to direct your
efforts and when to respond to anomalies.

2. It’s only for large enterprises
Realy it will add value to any organization
wanting to take the security of their assets

3. It’s expensive!
It usually is and many SME’s have been priced
out of the SIEM market. Try asking a
potential supplier for their payment plan
options. PocketSIEM costs less and is better
than many more expensive solutions. And we
still offer payment plans of up to 18months!

4. You don't need it
You’re not wrong, it’s a big investment for
some companies who will never reap the value
from it. If you hold data or systems you deem
to be sensitive then you probably do need it.

5. It requires a large team to manage
It does require some time investment if you
have an internal team. However, using an
outsourced company can provide the support
you need, various companies offer this at a
wide range of prices. Obviously, you should
check us out.

6. It only shows you false positives
If a SIEM is configured poorly it won’t add
value to you, it is THAT simple.

7. It sends your data away
With some MSSP providers, yes your data is
held in various places. This is not an issue
for all companies but should be considered.
Some providers, such as PocketSIEM, install
the components in your cloud or on-prem
infrastructure, entirely negating this




PocketSIEM is a Security Incident Event Management (SIEM) service based out of the UK. They are globally recognised cyber defence service providers.